
URL: https://data.kimetrica.com/dataset/19b59bd6-c421-4b62-8231-32cd32fd127a/resource/f3234e04-1c4c-46ae-84ef-233d1a41a7da/download/edam2017_depenses_puf_v12.dta

id_men: Household ID reg_arr: Region or district PSU: Cluster ID nro_menage: Household number region: Region middle: Middle othurb: Other urban or rural strata: Stratum phase: EDAM phase hhsize: Household size ae: Number of adult equivalents w1: Weighting coefficient (household) popwt1: Weighting coefficient (individual) hhexp_f: Annual expenditure 7a- food (FD in price May 2017) hhexp_fuel: Annual expenditure 8a1- fuels and others (FD in price May 2017) hhexp_tc: Annual expenditure 8a2- transport and communication (FD in price May 2017) hhexp_soin: Annual expenditure 8b1- care and books (FD in price May 2017) hhexp_log: Annual expenditure 8b2- repair of housing (FD in price May 2017) hhexp_log2: Annual expenditure 8b3- other repairs (FD in price May 2017) hhexp_vet: Annual expenditure 8c1- clothing, textiles, other (FD in price May 2017) hhexp_banq: Annual expenditure 8c2- services (FD in price May 2017) hhexp_edu: Annual education expenditure (FD in price May 2017) hhexp_health: Annual health expenditure (FD in price May 2017) h hexp_elec: Annual electricity expenditure (FD in price May 2017) hhexp_water: Annual water expenditure (FD in price May 2017) hhexp_7b: Annual expenditure 7b- meals taken away (FD in price May 2017) sinexp: Annual expenditure 7c- narcotics except others (FD in price May 2017) hhexp_7c: Expenses 7c narcotics including others (FD in May 2017 prices) - annual sustainable2: Annual expenditure flow of durable goods services (FD in prices May 2017) rent_hat2_FD: Annual actual / fictitious rent expenditure (FD in price May 2017) khatexp: Khat expenses (FD in May 2017 prices) - annual foodexp: Annual food expenditure (FD in price May 2017) nfoodexp1: Annual non-food expenditure (FD in price May 2017) hhexp1: Total annual expenditure (FD in price May 2017) cpc1: Total annual expenditure per capita (FD in price May 2017) c_ae1: Total annual expenditure per adult equivalent (FD in price May 2017) pline_low: Extreme poverty line 2017 pline_high: Global poverty line 2017 poor: Poor compared to the overall poverty line poor_ext: Poor relative to the extreme poverty line

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Data last updated May 28, 2021
Metadata last updated May 28, 2021
Created May 28, 2021
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createdover 3 years ago
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package id19b59bd6-c421-4b62-8231-32cd32fd127a
revision id6f15bd00-62bc-4a57-a977-abc2398c98aa
size761.3 KiB
url typeupload