
URL: https://data.kimetrica.com/dataset/19b59bd6-c421-4b62-8231-32cd32fd127a/resource/0b70f977-8aa7-4207-839f-fb943457e58a/download/edam2017_section_11gen_puf_v12.dta

Section 11. Agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing and forestry

Variables id_men: Household ID reg_arr: Region or district PSU: Cluster ID nro_menage: Household number region: Region middle: Middle phase: EDAM phase w1: Weighting coefficient (household) q11_01: Practice of agriculture / gardening q11_02: Main modes of access to land q11_02_other: Other main modes q11_03: Institution / person responsible for the distribution of land in the locality q11_03_other: Other institution or person q11_04: Total area harvested in the last 12 months q11_05: Total area irrigated in the last 12 months q11_06: Main method of irrigation q11_06_other: Other main method of irrigation q11_07_1: Member of the household owning or operating this land (1) q11_07_2: Member of the household owning or operating this land (2) q11_07_3: Member of the household owning or operating this land (3) q11_07_4: Member of the household owning or operating this land (4) q11_07_5: Member of the household owning or operating this land (5) q11_15_1: Expenses in: Inorganic / chemical fertilizers q11_15_2: Spending on: Phytosanitary products q11_15_3: Expenses on: Young plants q11_15_4: Expenses in: Bags, plastic sheeting, field tools q11_15_5: Expenses in: Irrigation q11_15_6: Expenses in: Fuel to dry crops q11_15_7: Expenses in: Rental of machines q11_15_8: Expenses in: Transportation q11_15_9: Expenses in: Agricultural labor q11_15_10: Expenses in: Water and electricity q11_15_11: Expenses in: Purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment q11_15_12: Expenses in: Purchases of means of transport q11_15_13: Expenses in: Barn building, digging of canals / wells q11_15_14: Expenses in: Others q11_16: Household or member owns / raises animals q11_32: The household practices transhumance q11_33: Main grazing method used q11_34: Household or a party often travels for reasons of transhumance q11_35: Travel frequency during the year q11_36_p1_de: Main transhumance period, Period (1), start month q11_36_p1_a: Transhumance period, Period (1), month of the 2 main periods q11_37_p1: Places of transhumance Period (1) q11_36_p2_de: Main transhumance period, Period (2), start month q11_36_p2_a: Transhumance period, Period (2), month of the 2 main periods q11_37_p2: Places of transhumance Period (2) q11_43_1: Amount spent: Slaughter q11_43_2: Amount spent: Transportation costs q11_43_3: Amount spent: Animal fodder q11_43_4: Amount spent: Water q11_43_5: Amount spent: Health costs (Vet) q11_43_6: Amount spent: Labor wages (in cash and in kind) q11_43_7: Amount spent: Tax q11_43_8: Amount spent: Other livestock expenses q11_43_9: Amount spent: Other expense (1) q11_43_9_other: Amount spent: Other expense (1) Description q11_43_10: Amount spent: Other expense (2) q11_43_10_other: Amount spent: Other expense (2) Description q11_43_11: Amount spent: Other expense (3) q11_43_11_other: Amount spent: Other expense (3) Description q11_44: A or member of the household collected wood, charcoal in the last 12 months q11_45: Income from sales of these forest products over the past 12 months q11_46: Value of forest products consumed over the past 12 months q11_47: Expenditure incurred for the purchase of these forest products q11_48: A or a member of the household, caught aquatic animals in the last 12 months q11_49_df: Value of fish or other aquatic animals sold (DF) q11_49_kg: Quantity of fish or other aquatic animals sold (KG) q11_50_fd: Value of fish or other aquatic animals consumed at home (DF) q11_50_kg: Quantity of fish or other aquatic animals consumed at home (KG) q11_51_fd: Value of donated fish or other aquatic animals (DF) q11_51_kg: Quantity of fish or other aquatic animals donated (KG) q11_52a: Fishing activities implementation expenditure: salaried work q11_52b: Fishing activities implementation expenditure: purchase of boats * q11_52c: Fishing activities implementation expenditure: other

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Data last updated May 28, 2021
Metadata last updated May 28, 2021
Created May 28, 2021
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createdover 3 years ago
on same domainTrue
package id19b59bd6-c421-4b62-8231-32cd32fd127a
revision id891b8ee2-4bb5-4ffd-b53d-453489e8ac80
size1.1 MiB
url typeupload