
URL: https://data.kimetrica.com/dataset/19b59bd6-c421-4b62-8231-32cd32fd127a/resource/d06bc57d-49ca-4428-81e9-98b9f35c5357/download/edam2017_section_01-04_puf_v12.dta

Section 1. Characteristics of household members Section 2. Education Section 3. General health Section 4. Employment and unemployment situation

Variables id_men: Household ID reg_arr: Region or district PSU: Cluster ID nro_menage: Household number id_pers: Household member's line number region: Region middle: Middle phase: EDAM phase hhsize: Household size w1: Weighting coefficient (household) popwt1: Weighting coefficient (individual) q01_02: Sex q01_04_rec: Age q01_05: Birth certificate q01_06_rec: Family relationship with the head of the household q01_07: The father lives in the household q01_08: Father's line number q01_09: Father's education level q01_10: The mother lives in the household q01_11: Mother's line number q01_12: Mother's educational level q01_13_rec: Marital status q01_14: Age at first marriage q01_15_rec: Nationality q01_15a1: Identity documents - 1 q01_15a2: Identity documents - 2 q01_15a3: Identity documents - 3 q01_17: Lives in the region since birth q01_18: Number of years in the Region q01_19_rec: Previous place of residence q01_19a_rec: Place of birth q01_19c: Country of immigration / origin q01_20: Reason for settling in the Region q01_20b: Reason for settling in the Region - other q02_01: Can read / write q02_02_1_rec: Language read and written (1) q02_02_2_rec: Language read and written (2) q02_03: Has already attended q02_04: Type of school attended q02_05: Last class successfully completed q02_06_rec: Highest degree obtained q02_07: School entry age q02_08: Enrolled in a school this year q02_09: Class currently attended q02_10: Main reason for dissatisfaction with the school q02_11: Reason for dropping out / dropping out of school q02_12: Age of dropping out of studies q02_13: Reason for not attending school since birth q02_14: Tuition fees, school year 2016/17 q02_15: Costs for books and school supplies 2016/17 q02_16: Fees for school clothes and sports for the 2016/17 school year q02_17: Transport costs for the 2016/17 school year q02_18: Other costs (school / university accommodation, rehearsal, etc.) 2016/17 q02_19: Has followed a specific professional training q02_20_rec: Has received special vocational training q03_01: Has had a health problem or accident in the last 30 days q03_02: Main health problem q03_03: Health service / traditional healer. viewed last 30 days q03_04: Type of establishment consulted q03_05: Amount of consultation fees excluding hospitalization q03_06: Amount of medical examinations and care outside hospitalization q03_07: Medication cost amount q03_08: Sick at least once in the past 12 months q03_09: Consulted health personnel / traditional healer q03_10: Number of consultations with health personnel / healer 12 months q03_11: Consultation costs outside hospitalization in the last 12 months q03_12: Amount of non-hospitalization examinations over the last 12 months q03_13: Medication costs for these episodes of illness in the last 12 months q03_14: Hospitalized for the past 12 months q03_15: Amount of hospital costs over the last 12 months q03_16: Vaccination costs, circumscription, check-up during the 12 months q03_17: Amount of health expenditure q03_18: Currently pregnant (woman aged 12 and over) q03_19: Currently breastfeeding (female aged 12 and over) q03_20: Has a pregnancy / vaccination record q03_21: Difficulty seeing, even with glasses q03_22: Difficulty hearing, even with a hearing aid q03_23: Difficulty walking or climbing stairs q03_24: Difficulty remembering or concentrating q03_25: Difficulties in communicating, being understood as native language cont_s4: Nobody present respondent_s4: Respondent Section 4 q04_01: Has worked or been a paid or unpaid apprentice in the last 7 days q04_02: Has carried out at least one of the following economic activities q04_03: Has already worked in his life q04_04: Currently employed q04_05: Reason for absence of current job q04_06: Reason for absence from employment in the last 7 days q04_07: Method used to obtain employment q04_08_rec: Trade (recoded) q04_09: Occupation status in the main job q04_10: Keeps written accounts q04_11: Registered in the trade register q04_12: Has a patent q04_13: Has a payslip q04_14: Type of Contract q04_15: Line of business of your current job q04_16_rec: Type of company q04_17: Total number of people in the company q04_18: Registered with Social Security q04_19: Has a Social Security number q04_20: Number of months of work in the last 12 months q04_21: Number of weeks per month, average main job last 12 months q04_22 Number of hours per week, on average last 12 months q04_23: Income from main professional activity q04_24: Frequency of this income q04_25: Secondary job (s) in the last 12 months q04_26: Employee in secondary employment q04_27a: Duration in secondary employment: Number q04_27b: Duration in secondary employment: Unit of time q04_28: Number of hours per week: Secondary job q04_29: Income in secondary employment q04_30: Income frequency: Secondary employment q04_31: Retirement duration q04_32a: Duration without employment: Number q04_32b: Duration without employment: Unit of time q04_33: Would like to find a job or start a business q04_34: Reason for not wanting to work q04_35: Available to work in the next two weeks q04_36: Reason for unavailability q04_37: Job search procedures over the last 30 days q04_38: Main approach used q04_39: Duration in job search

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Data last updated May 28, 2021
Metadata last updated May 28, 2021
Created May 28, 2021
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createdover 3 years ago
on same domainTrue
package id19b59bd6-c421-4b62-8231-32cd32fd127a
revision id85c52988-9373-46fd-bb0f-a0a4060f7106
size5.4 MiB
url typeupload