Ethiopia Administrative Boundaries (shapefiles)
Ethiopia Administrative Units: Country, Region, Zones, Woredas -
Ethiopia Population Projections at Admin 2 level 2000-2020
Data contains population estimates at the administrative level 2 from 2000-2020. The population projection values were obtained from UNFPA (United Nations Population Funds).... -
Ethiopia Admin Level 3: Woredas / Districts (shapefile)
This dataset has no description
Ethiopia Diesel Market Price 2008-2018
This dataset contains the region, zones, month, years and Market prices for diesel -
Ethiopia Landscan data
Rasterized files from Landscan 2016. -
Ethiopia KDW Markets
Contains all kdw markets in Ethiopia with their corresponding normalized admin names -
Ethiopia Administrative Boundaries Merged with UNFPA Population Projections (...
Data consist of Administrative data merged with UNFPA population projections for Ethiopia at Admin levels 1,2,and 3 -
Conflict Model-Ethiopia
Cleaned Datasets used for modeling the probability of conflict/onset at the sub-national level -
Superset dashboard output for market price model including Geojson files. -
Ethiopia Health Facilities (shapefile)
Ethiopia Health Facilities (shapefile)