

EDAM 2012 - Household level variables - Household governance Housing characteristics Access to basic social services Household possessions - Perception of poverty Shocks and survival strategy * Governance - Decentralization, Civil society, Media

Variables ID_MEN: Household ID IM01: Region CLUSTER: Cluster ID G01: Presence or absence of the head of household G02: Choice of food expenditure: responsible G03: Choice of equipment and furniture expenditure: responsible G04: Choice in education: responsible G05: Healthy choices: responsible G06: Choice of a person for a wedding: responsible G07: Investment decision (productive activity): responsible G08: Visitor stay decision: responsible CL01: Type of dwelling occupied by the household CL02: Type of exterior wall materials CL03: Materials used for the roof CL04: Type of soils in the dwelling CL05: Housing occupancy status CL06: Main fuel used for cooking CL07: Main source of energy for lighting CL08: Days of power cuts or reductions (last 7 days) CL09: Main source of drinking water supply CL10: Days of water flow cuts or drops (last 7 days) CL11: Number of hours per day lack of drinking water CL12: Appreciation of the water consumed according to the color and taste CL13: Type of tank water conservation CL14: Type of toilet used CL15: Toilets for private or shared use CL16: Household waste disposal methods CL17: Main sewage disposal system AS01A: Means of transport to drinking water source AS02A: Distance between house and source of drinking water AS03A: Average time: source of drinking water AS04A: Satisfaction: source of drinking water AS02B: Distance between home and food market AS03B: Average time: food markets AS04B: Satisfaction: food market AS02C: Distance between home and shops (consumer goods) AS03C: Average time: shops AS04C: Satisfaction: shops AS02D: Distance between house and bus station / public transport AS03D: Average time: bus station / public transport AS04D: Satisfaction: bus station / public transport AS01E: Means of transport to community health center AS02E: Distance between house and community health center AS03E: Average time: community health AS04E: Satisfaction: community health center AS01F: Means of transport to pharmacy AS02F: Distance between home and pharmacy AS03F: Average time: pharmacy AS04F: Satisfaction: pharmacy AS01G: Means of transport to maternity AS02G: Distance between home and maternity AS03G: Average time: maternity AS04G: Satisfaction: maternity AS01H: Means of transport to hospital AS02H: Distance between home and hospital AS03H: Average time: hospital AS04H: Satisfaction: hospital AS01I: Means of transport to nursery school AS02I: Distance between home and nursery school AS03I: Average time: nursery school AS04I: Satisfaction: nursery school AS01J: Means of transport to primary school AS02J: Distance between home and primary school AS03J: Average time: primary school AS04J: Satisfaction: primary school AS01K: Means of transport to college / high school AS02K: Distance between home and college / high school AS03K: Average time: college / high school AS04K: Satisfaction: college / high school AS02L: Distance between home and internet AS03L: Average time: internet AS04L: Satisfaction: internet AS02M: Distance between home and phone AS03M: Average time: phone AS04M: Satisfaction: telephone AS02N: Distance between house and post AS03N: Average time: post AS04N: Satisfaction: position AS02O: Distance between house and police station / gendarmerie AS03O: Average time: police station / gendarmerie AS04O: Satisfaction: police station / gendarmerie AS02P: Distance between house and town hall AS03P: Average time: town hall AS04P: Satisfaction: town hall AS02Q: Distance between house and prefecture AS03Q: Average time: prefecture AS04Q: Satisfaction: prefecture AS02R: Distance between house and sub-prefecture AS03R: Average time: sub-prefecture AS04R: Satisfaction: sub-prefecture P01: Fixed telephone subscription P01_NUMBER: Number: landline P02: Internet subscription P02_NUMBER: Number: internet P03: Cellphone P03_NUMBER: Number: cell phone P04: PC / laptop computer P04_NUMBER: Number: PC / laptop P05: Radio station P05_NUMBER: Number: radio P06: TV P06_NUMBER: Number: TV P07: Music channel P07_NUMBER: Number: music channel P08: Parabolic / digital antenna P08_NUMBER: Number: parabolic / digital P09: Fridge Freezer P09_NUMBER: Number: fridge / freezer P10: Gas cooker / stove P10_NUMBER: Number: gas cooker / stove P11: Air conditioner P11_NUMBER: Number: air conditioner P12: Washing machine P12_NUMBER: Number: washing machine P13: Microwave P13_NUMBER: Number: microwave P14: Grinder / blender P14_NUMBER: Number: grinder / mixer P15: Suppressor P15_NUMBER: Number: suppressor P16: Private vehicle P16_NUMBER: Number: private vehicle P17: Motorcycle / moped P17_NUMBER: Number: motorbike / moped P18: Bicycle / bicycle P18_NUMBER: Number: bicycle / bicycle P20: Residential building / housing P20_NUMBER: Number: residential building / dwelling P24: Transport equipment P24_NUMBER: Number: transport equipment P25: Rickshaw / wheelbarrow P25_NUMBER: Number: rickshaw / wheelbarrow P27: Residential land P27_NUMBER: Number: residential land P28: House P28_NUMBER: Number: house P29: Agricultural land P29_NUMBER: Number: agricultural land P30: Non-agricultural land P30_NUMBER: Number: non-agricultural land P31A: Camels P31A_NUMBER: Number: camels P31B: Cattle P31B_NUMBER: Number: cattle P31C: Sheep / goats P31C_NUMBER: Number: sheep / goats P31D: Other P31D_NUMBER: Number: others P31E: Poultry P31E_NUMBER: Number: poultry P33_TOTAL: Total P33_TOTAL_NUMBER: Total number PP1: Category of belonging of the community PP2: Main signs of manifestations of poverty PP2_2CHOIX: 2nd choice PP2_3CHOIX: 3rd choice PP3: Estimate of poverty status (last 5 years) PP4: Poverty projection (next 5 years) PP5: Social category of belonging CS01_1: Experienced job loss / salary reduction CS02_1: Decrease loss of property: loss of employment / reduction of salary CS03_1: Decreased food capacity: loss of employment / reduction in salary CS04_1: Means of compensation for loss of employment / reduction in salary CS05_1: Recovery of induced losses: job loss / salary reduction CS06_1: Compensation time: job loss / salary reduction CS01_2: Has experienced illnesses / medical expenses CS02_2: Decrease loss of goods: illnesses / medical expenses CS03_2: Decreased food capacity: illnesses / medical expenses CS04_2: Means of compensation for illnesses / medical expenses CS05_2: Recovery of induced losses: illnesses / medical expenses CS06_2: Compensation time: illnesses / medical expenses CS01_3: Has experienced death of a family member / funeral CS02_3: Decrease loss of property: death of a family member / funeral CS03_3: Decreased food capacity: death of a family member / funeral CS04_3: Means of compensation for death of a family member / funeral CS05_3: Recovery of induced losses: death of a family member / funeral CS06_3: Compensation time: death of a family member / funeral CS01_4: Experienced high food prices CS02_4: Decreased loss of goods: high food prices CS03_4: Decreased food capacity: high food prices CS04_4: Way to compensate for high food prices CS05_4: Recovery of induced losses: high food prices CS06_4: Compensation Time: High Food Prices CS01_5: Known price of fuel / transport CS02_5: Decrease loss of goods: price of fuel / transport CS03_5: Decreased food capacity: fuel / transport prices CS04_5: Means of compensation for fuel / transport prices CS05_5: Recovery of induced losses: price of fuel / transport CS06_5: Compensation time: fuel / transport price CS01_6: Has experienced payment / increase in rental accommodation CS02_6: Decrease loss of property: payment / increase in rental accommodation CS03_6: Decrease in food capacity: payment / increase in rental accommodation CS04_6: Means of compensation payment / increase in rental accommodation CS05_6: Recovery of induced losses: payment / increase in rental accommodation CS06_6: Compensation time: payment / increase in rental accommodation CS01_7: Has had debts to repay CS02_7: Decrease loss of property: debts to be repaid CS03_7: Decrease in food capacity: debts to be repaid CS04_7: Means of compensation for debts to be repaid CS05_7: Recovery of induced losses: debts to be repaid CS06_7: Clearing time: debts to be repaid CS01_8: Has experienced poor quality / irregular drinking water CS02_8: Decrease loss of goods: poor quality / irregular drinking water CS03_8: Decreased food capacity: poor quality / irregular drinking water CS04_8: Means of compensation for poor quality / irregularity of drinking water CS05_8: Recovery of induced losses: poor quality / irregularity of drinking water CS06_8: Compensation time: poor quality / irregularity of drinking water CS01_9: Has experienced power / gas failure CS02_9: Decrease loss of goods: power / gas cut CS03_9: Decreased food capacity: power / gas cut CS04_9: Means of compensation for power / gas failure CS05_9: Recovery of induced losses: power / gas cut CS06_9: Compensation time: power / gas cut CS01_10: Has experienced insecurity / theft CS02_10: Decrease loss of property: insecurity / theft CS03_10: Decreased food capacity: insecurity / theft CS04_10: Compensation for insecurity / theft CS05_10: Recovery of induced losses: insecurity / theft CS06_10: Compensation time: insecurity / theft CS01_11: Experienced livestock loss unrelated to drought CS02_11: Decreased asset loss: livestock loss unrelated to drought CS03_11: Decreased food capacity: loss of livestock unrelated to drought CS04_11: Means of compensation for loss of livestock unrelated to drought CS05_11: Recovery induced losses: loss of livestock unrelated to drought CS06_11: Compensation time: loss of livestock unrelated to drought CS01_12: Experienced loss of livestock due to drought CS02_12: Decrease loss of assets: loss of livestock due to drought CS03_12: Decreased food capacity: loss of livestock due to drought CS04_12: Means of compensation for loss of livestock due to drought CS05_12: Recovery of induced losses: loss of livestock due to drought CS06_12: Compensation time: loss of livestock due to drought CS01_13: Experienced poor harvest unrelated to drought CS02_13: Decrease loss of assets: poor harvest unrelated to drought CS03_13: Decreased food capacity: poor harvest unrelated to drought CS04_13: Means of compensation for poor harvest unrelated to drought CS05_13: Recovery of induced losses: poor harvest unrelated to drought CS06_13: Compensation time: poor harvest unrelated to drought CS01_14: Experienced poor harvest due to drought CS02_14: Decreased loss of assets: poor harvest due to drought CS03_14: Decreased food capacity: poor harvest due to drought CS04_14: Means of compensation for poor harvest due to drought CS05_14: Recovery of induced losses: poor harvest due to drought CS06_14: Compensation time: poor harvest due to drought CS01_15: Has experienced fire CS02_15: Decrease loss of property: fire CS03_15: Decreased food capacity: fire CS04_15: Compensation means: fire CS05_15: Recovery of induced losses: fire CS06_15: Compensation time: fire CS01_16: Has experienced another shock CS02_16: Decrease in loss of property: another shock CS03_16: Decreased food capacity: another shock CS04_16: Means of compensation other shock CS05_16: Recovery of induced losses: another shock CS06_16: Compensation time: other shock CS01_17: Has known no shock CS02_17: Decrease loss of goods: no shock CS03_17: Decreased food capacity: no shock CS04_17: Means of compensation no shock CS05_17: Recovery of induced losses: no shock CS06_17: Compensation time: no shock GO01_A: Inform ordinary people about the council's action programs GO01_B: Inform the populations of the council's budget GO01_C: Enabling people like you to participate in decision-making in the GO01_D: Consult with others before making decisions GO01_E: Provide effective means of managing complaints to advisors GO01_F: Guarantee the use of local resources for public purposes GO02: Satisfied with regional / municipal council staff GO03: Satisfaction with decision-making power of women and young people GO04: Representations of young people in decision-making bodies GO05: Appeal local representative office of the mediator of the republic GO06: Effectiveness of mechanisms GO07: Member of an association participating in associative works GO08: Associations represent all social groups GO09_A: Television GO09_B: Radio GO09_C: Written press GO09_D: Telephony GO09_E: Internet GO10: Satisfied with information provided by national media GO11: Assessment of the costs of access to information GO12_A: Favorable to the event: television (private) GO12_B: Favorable to the event: radio (private) GO12_C: Favorable to the event: written press (private) GO12_D: Favorable to the event: telephony (private) GO12_E: Favorable to the event: internet (private) PAUV_EXT: Extreme poverty status PAUV_REL: Relative poverty status * COEFFEXT: Extrapolation coefficient

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Data last updated May 28, 2021
Metadata last updated May 28, 2021
Created May 28, 2021
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